Indian Saag by Ari Pugliese of The Country Store


3 large bunches greens (I like collard and mustard)

2 Onions diced  

2 Tbsp Fresh Chopped Ginger 

2 Tbsp Fresh Chopped Garlic 

1 Cup Heavy Cream (or coconut milk)

Butter or Ghee  

1 Lemon juiced 

2 Tbsp Cumin seeds,
1 Tbsp Turmeric
2 Tbsp Garam Masala
1 tsp Cayenne


Saute onions with butter for 15 min or until very soft on low-medium heat

Add fresh garlic, ginger and spices, reduce heat to low and cook for another 5 min 

Add fresh chopped greens, cream (or coconut milk) and cook until wilted well, about 10 min

Turn off heat and add fresh lemon juice and salt to taste

Process with stick blender, food pro or blender until smooth 
(you may need to add a little water)

Add your choice of roasted mushrooms, potatoes, tofu,
paneer cheese, chicken or lamb

Nicole Melone